Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy birthday Mrs. Rucker! Mrs. Rucker is our instructional coach and works so hard behind the scenes. She facilitates and supports teachers in their classroom lessons. She is always looking to help make things streamlined in the classroom and loves working with our students. Mrs. Rucker is always willing to help wherever needed and is a positive person to be around. We hope your birthday is a great day Mrs. Rucker!

School Science Fair Winners

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Congratulations to our 5th graders who participated in this year's science fair! This is the first time all the presented projects earned enough points to qualify to advance to the district science fair on February 7th! The science fair projects are optional but require a lot of extra time, materials, and help to accomplish all that is required. We are so proud of all our Park Panthers who chose to participate and we can't wait to see how they do at the district science fair.

Alison Snow

SLC Sign-ups

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

SLC's are coming up February 7 & 8! Please take the time to click on your child's teacher link below and sign up for a time to meet with them and your student. 

We also will have Art in the Park available for families to walk through on those days! Please stop by the gym after your SLC and see all the beautiful art that our students have created. 

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday Mrs. Peterson! Mrs. Peterson works in our lunchroom and helps prepare breakfast and lunch for our whole school. She is always smiling  and is amazing with the students. Mrs. Peterson is a hard worker and is an amazing teammate to our other staff members. We hope you have the best birthday Mrs. Peterson!

Food Bank

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

The Utah Food bank will be here tomorrow right after school! The food bank generously brings food to share with every family and every student is encouraged to stop by the cafeteria after school and pick up some food to take home.

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday Mrs. Moss! Mrs. Moss is one of the most positive and happy person that you will ever meet. She looks for the positive in every one and seeks to try every opportunity she can to help her students and teammates succeed. As our only special education teacher, she tries her very best to make every child feel important and successful in their learning. She is also a great team player and never passes up an opportnity to catch a moment in photo form. Thank you for all you do Mrs. Moss and we hope your birthday is filled with love and positivity just like you!

Jaylynn Lindley Competes in the National Miss America Competition

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Congratulations to Mrs. Lindley's daughter, Jaylynn! Last week, Jaylynn Lindley, a student from Salem High School, had the incredible opportunity to bring her Find Your Fire Initiative to the National Miss America competition in Orlando, Florida. Jaylynn was given a platform to share her thoughts on the significance of pursuing one's passions wholeheartedly. She not only spoke passionately about the topic but also exemplified it in her own life, earning her a spot among the top 11 finalists.

Nebo School District