Teacher Read-Alouds

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

We are now offering links to teacher read-alouds! We now have a yellow button on the side of this website that is a clickable link to a spreadsheet with teacher read-alouds. It will be periodically updated with new links that students and parents can view at any time! Please feel free to click on it and explore the wide array of stories we have recorded for viewing at home.

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday Mrs. Munn! Mrs. Munn is also a traveling technician and works with several teachers to help in small groups and individual student needs in reading and math. She also is a friendly and smiling face in the mornings when conducting her morning crosswalk duty. Mrs. Munn is patient and sincere with helping the students that she is assigned to be with and is never one to complain. We are so glad that we get to work with Mrs. Munn everyday and her positive outlook towards others. Have a great and fun birthday Mrs. Munn!

Food Bank

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

The Utah Food bank will be here tomorrow right after school! The food bank generously brings food to share with every family and every student is encouraged to stop by the cafeteria after school and pick up some food to take home.