Counselor Corner

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

It has been an amazing school year teaching and learning from our Park students. I love my job so much because I get to interact with your kids every day. They bring me so much joy and regularly fill my bucket with their comments, connections and compliments. As a re-cap, we focused our Well-Being lessons on the 5 emotional intelligences skills of RULER:

Recognize the emotions we are feeling

Understanding where those emotions are coming from and what other past situations or experiences may affect how we are feeling now

Aubree Judkins

Registration Information

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Online Registration is now open for all students including Kindergarten. The portal can be found here. Registration numbers directly affect the number of teachers we are allowed to have staffed at our school. It is so important that registrations are submitted as soon as possible as the district starts taking a look at those numbers early in the summer.

Wax Art

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

These were so much fun to do! The concept was teaching the students that the wax in crayons will repel or resist water. The students first outlined their pictures or drew invisible patterns on their papers. Then they used watercolors to paint over them. They had fun painting over the crayon and then watching as the wax "pushed" the watercolor paint off of the crayon. Our students are so talented!

Angie Ray