PSL Applications

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

It's that time of year again where PSL (Park Student Leader) applications for next year become available! Our PSL representatives Mrs. Snow and Mrs. Ray will be going around to our 3rd grade classes today and 4th grade classes tomorrow to explain what the PSL is and hand out applications to the students who are interested. The application needs to be completed, signed by a parent and returned to Mrs. Snow by Friday May 5th. There is a green basket in her classroom next to the door that the applications can be placed in. Next years PSL will be announced later in May!

Charla Andersen, Alison Snow, Angie Ray

ABC Countdown to Summer

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Our first graders are having fun doing our ABC Countdown to Summer.  For D day we did Dots.  We read the book Dots.  We did Dots math, and then got to build towers with the Dots.  What a fun day!

Natalie Pearson

3rd Grade Track Meet

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

3rd Grade track meet was yesterday. Despite the cold and windy weather, the students had so much fun and they did very well! Way to go Park Panthers!

Cristina Lloyd