5th Grade Veteran's Field Trip

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

The fifth grade classes went on a field trip on Monday  sponsored by the American Legion. Students were given shirts to wear and a dog tag to remember the day. We learned about Flander’s Field, the importance of the flag, the different armed forces, how to show our patriotism, and how to honor our veterans. We learned so much and are so grateful for our veterans.

Charla Andersen, Alison Snow

SCC Candidates

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

To Park Parents- 

Be involved and have a positive influence at Park Elementary by serving on the School Community Council. The School Community Council serves as an advisory council to the school administration. Parent candidates cannot be Park employees and must have a student attending Park Elementary during the 2023-2024 school year.

Jessica Lindley

Junior High Hope Squad

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Spanish Fork Junior High School’s Hope Squad came to present to the fifth grade classes on kindness. They asked the students what they could do to spread kindness and be a bucket filler. Our fifth graders gave some amazing examples! Students added their ideas to a donut they can take home to remember to sprinkle their world with kindness. We love to learn from student leaders in our community.

Charla Andersen