The Final Countdown

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

A penny saved COULD BE a penny earned for the final day of Penny Wars tomorrow morning if the silver and green don't invade your teachers can.  

Check out the list of leaders and those in the hole to MAKE YOUR LAST STAND at the Penny Wars table.  If you would like to make a donation with a check or in bills and count it as pennies for your student's class you may do so simply by letting a school official know or with an attatched note.  Or, continue bombing other classes to hinder their progress.

Photo and Article by Adam Gull

Positive Pinata Reward

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

After many days of positive behavior, Mrs. Poulson's class earned a reward.  Park's brave first grade intern, Mrs. Poulson, gave the class a choice for their reward and they chose the most obvious activity...MAKE A PINATA!  What a fun activity for these little first graders.  Way to go Panthers!  

Photo By Tamra Lybbert Article by Adam Gull