March 2015

February Victory Assembly

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

As part of the February Victory Awards Assembly, students enjoyed watching and learning about Native American dancing and culture.  Shoshana Begay, who currently works at Park with our Title I team, introduced her family and presented a wonderful presentation through Native American dancing.  Students were thrilled at the amazing dances and enjoyed learning about the Native American culture.

Photo and Article By Adam Gull

February Victory Awards

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Congratulations to the following Panthers that received Victory Awards during the month of February. 

Math: Everett Boyd, Poponatui Sitake, Harlie Hortin, Bryton Przybycien, Serenity Chase, Hailey Sorensen, Kolby McEwan, Nate Johnson, Hayze Fimbres, Logan Nelson, Ashlyn Petersen, Hailey Christensen, Max Leifson, Eden Mattinson, JaCoby Jenks, Brogan Evans

Photo by Ryan Kay Article by Adam Gull