Penny Race is Next Week!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Penncy Race begins next week, April 10-21! Extra coins and cash can be brought in each morning before school to be put into the collection jars! We are even offering the acceptance of donations online by scanning the QR code or clicking on this link. All donations will be used for past and present Park Panthers. The grade level that earns the most money in donations will earn a pizza party. Please watch this fun video to get us started.

Owl Pellets

Submitted by sheree.storrer on
Last Week in 5th grade we dissected owl pellets to help us understand what owls eat in the food chain.
Alison Snow

Transcontinental Railroad

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Ms. Webster’s class has been learning about the Transcontinental Railroad. Students worked collaboratively to create a poster related to specifications topics regarding the Transcontinental Railroad. Their posters had to reflect evidence from multiple sources. 

Mandee Webster

Portrait of a Graduate

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

During Mrs. J’s grade level lesson this month, Park students learned about steps that they can take now to start them on their path to being College, Career and Community Ready! Good attendance, Reading, Cooperation, Organization and Problem Solving were just a few things we talked about. To learn more about Utah’s Portrait of a Graduate standards, please click here.

Aubree Judkins

Spring Break 2023

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Spring Break is April 3-7! We wish each of students, faculty and staff a fun and safe spring break! We will see our Park Panthers back on April 10, 2023. 

Teacher Appreciation Week

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

The faculty and staff would like to give a HUGE shout-out and thank you to the following for making our baseball themed teacher appreciation week such a success:

Miranda Thomsen 

Suzanne Rekow 

Cristima Castro

Malina Grigg 

Hailey McDonnell 

Classified Employee of the Year

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Congratulations to our secretary Shauna Hatch for being awarded our classified employee of the year! Her celebration yesterday was truly one of a kind and the skit put on by other members of our staff was spot on! If you know Park, you know Shauna. She is the rock of our school and can do anything and everything she is asked to do. She juggles her job exceptionally well and makes each and every person, adult and student, feel that they are important and that they matter.

Shauna Hatch