Photo With A Friend

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Fernanda saved up 25 proactive paws to have her picture taken with a friend and posted to our social media pages. Good job Fernanda saving up those proactive paws to achieve this cool reward!

Penny Race

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Penny Race ends this Friday and we are doing extremely well! We appreciate all your donations so far and want to encourage you to keep bringing in that change because the race does not end until Friday. Donations can be made in person or online here

Penny Race Update

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Thanks to the many donations that have been sent in so far! We had an amazing first week and earned about $800. In our grade money race we have:

1st Place: $233 (1st Grade)

2nd Place: $146 (3rd Grade)

3rd Place: $141 (5th Grade)

Happy Birthday

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happiest of birthdays to Mr. Millet! He takes amazing care of not only the school but our faculty and staff as well. He is always willing to help, the students love him and so do we! We hope he has had an amazing day and knows that we are so appreciative of all he does to help us. 

Spirit Winners

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

We have a new Spirit Winner this week!! Congratulations to Mrs. Andersen's class for winning today and getting the opportunity to have Parker be a part of their class for the next week!

Charla Andersen


Submitted by sheree.storrer on

A big shout out to our TERRIFIC kids who were honored by the Kiwanis club last night for being Thoughtful, Enthusiastic, Respectful, Responsible, Inclusive, Friendly, Inquisitive and Capable. Congratulations Zak F., Chase T., Kristen C. and Dezzie B. Way to go. Thanks for being truly TERRIFIC!  As recipients of this award, our Terrific Kids will have their names engraved on a plaque at the front of the school.

Aubree Judkins

Indoor Recess

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Just Dance has gone to a new level during all these indoor recesses! A couple of brave friends tried the bicycle move in the Africa song.

Charla Andersen

Penny Race

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

We have had a great first week to our Penny Race and we still have one more week to go! We would love to end our first week of the Penny Race with the goal to have the biggest donation day of the week tomorrow. Let's work together to make this a huge success! We cannot wait to see what we can accomplish as Park leaders!! You can donate cash or coins in person at the school or donate online here. We appreciate any donation, big or small and we thank you for all that you have given so far!

Penny Race

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Penny Race began yesterday and we have already raised over $150! Let's keep this momentum going and help raise scholarship money for past and present Park Panthers. This race is our one and only fundraiser for the year and we appreciate every contribution that we receive! Your student can bring in cash or coins and drop them in their grade level bucket or you can donate online here! Please feel free to share the link and information with family and friends, both near and far to help our students and their goals.