October 2013

What's Your Guess?

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Students in Mrs. Hobbin's 1st Grade Class were up to their elbows in a slippery, slimy math lesson yesterday.  

Students were presented with a large and small pumpkin.  Mrs. Hobbins began her lesson on estimation and counting by having students guess how many seeds were in each pumpkin.  Students then dug out the inside of the pumpkins and counted all the seeds.

Morgan from Mrs. Hobbins class said: "We got all the yucky stuff out and counted the seeds.  It was my favorite activity in school!"  

Photos by Tamra Lybbert

Special Delivery from Harward Farms

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Students at Park were surprised with a special gift yesterday morning.  Jake Harward from Harward Farms delivered a pumkin to each student for Halloween.  Students lined the front of the school and one-by-one received a pumkin as Harward Farms workers unloaded the pumpkins from a flat bed truck.  Students' smiles were as wide as a jack-o'-lantern.

Zoeie from Mrs. Farrer's 3rd grade class presented a Thank You card to Jake and the Harward Farms crew.

We appreciate Harward Farms for bringing joy to Park students!

Photos by Tamra Lybbert

Park Halloween Parade Coming Up!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Park Elementary will be holding our annual Halloween Parade on October 31 at 2:00 p.m.

Everyone is invited to attend.  Please be lined up anywhere along the outside of the school.  We will parade around the entire block of the school.

  • Please send students to school in their costumes.
  • If they need to have their faces painted it must be done before they come to school.
  • No masks or weapons will be allowed.


Walk More in Four Winner

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Cherissa Wood from UDOT  presented Harlie from Mr. Elliott's class with a scooter and helmet for her participation in the Walk More in Four challenge.  Students were asked to walk and ride safely to school and in their neighborhoods.  Way to go Harlie!

Several students were also awarded with UDOT's "SNAP, Walk 'n Roll" soundtrack for their participation.  


Photos by Ryan Kay

Green Ribbon Week

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For Green Ribbon Week students were asked to wear green and walk to school safely.  Students that walked received a snack for rememering to be safe when walking or riding to school.  Thank You to Pat Christianson and Hayley Isaacson for the fun activities the students participated in.

Photos by Tamra Lybbert

Red Ribbon Week: Drug Free Mind and Body

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Park Students had the opportunity to compare and contrast a healthy drug free mind and body to an unhealthy mind and body on drugs with a fancy convertible Ford Mustang and a demolition derby car.

Students came out and viewed the cars as a class and had a discussion with our PTA President Pat Christianson and Principal Ryan Kay.  Students were taught when we make healthy choices this is what our body looks like and feels like.  And when we make unhealthy choices this is what our body looks like and feels like.

Photos by Ryan Kay

Red Ribbon Week: Beyond Illusions Magic Show Assembly

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Park Elementary students enjoyed a special treat Tuesday...Or should we say "Trick"  when dis-illusionist Brad Barton visited during Red Ribbon Week.

 Students were engaged in a high energy magic show as magician Brad Barton made a credit card float in mid air, ripped a newspaper to shreds and put it back together as well as many other incredible tricks throughout the show.

Photos by Tamra Lybbert

Sixth Grade Book Buddies

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6th grade students enjoyed reading with their "Book Buddy" last Friday.

Students were able to sit and read or listen to a variety of books and enjoy a delicious donut afterwards.  Thanks to all of our teachers, students and visitors for making this event so special!  

Fifth Grade Native American Tribe Project

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Park Elementary 5th grade students celebrated their Native American Tribe Project by sharing their diorama with Park students and parents.

Students worked diligently to research a Native American Tribe which included tribes such as: Cherokee, Ute, Navajo, Piute, Hopi, Pawnee, Comanche, Iroquois and more.  Students summarized their research by presenting it in a 3D diorama.

Thanks for all your hard work 5th grade students!