January Counselor Corner- Mrs. Judkins

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

As a reminder, last month we focused on keeping your child safe with technology and limiting screen
time. Especially, in light of current events, setting limits on how much time is spent with
devices/screens and what content your student is ingesting is becoming increasingly important.
Research has shown the connection and correlation between screen time and content with anxiety,
depression, ADHD, ability to focus, academic performance, social skills...the list goes on. To sum it up,
setting limits on time spent with devices and controlling the type of media your student engages in is
an excellent first step in developing happier and healthier kids.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children watch no more than 1 to 2 hours per day,
and that parents watch programs with their children both to monitor content, and to generate
discussion and communication. The American Psychological Association has recommended a rating
system similar to the motion picture system to assist parents in choosing appropriate TV
programming for their children. These recommendations stem from a growing body of research
suggesting that violent and risk-taking behavior increases among young people who frequently watch
television." ( Steven Schlozman, MD What's The Effect of Violent or Graphic Television retrieved from
The Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds).

However, there are things you can do. Start with setting limits on screen time and parental controls on
apps and screen content. Be sure to check out Common Sense Media to see the recommended age
and content rating for apps, movies, books, games, etc.

Here are some helpful resources:
How to Set Up Parental Controls on iPhone or iPad
Setting up parental controls on an Android phone
Media Technology & The Effect On Young Minds
Screens May Affect Your Child's Brain Development
Also, make sure you talk to your student about what they should do if they see anything on social
media that makes them worried or uncomfortable. Teaching students to "See something. Say
something" is a great place to start. If you or your child feel like you have seen something on social
media where someone has threatened to harm themselves or anyone else, please report at SafeUt.org
We are building a better and brighter community together!

Aubree Judkins