No Teachers Harmed During Stunt Bike Rewards Assembly

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“We’ve spent our lives behind bars…Handle Bars!”  Rich Weiber 

Wheelies, tricks, stunts, jumps, spins, and frightened teachers are a few things students enjoyed during the Rich Weiber Stunt Bike Rewards Assembly. 

Rich Weiber takes his stunt bike show from his hometown Minneapolis, Minnesota across the nation not only showing stunts and other amazing tricks, but also a message of the importance of bike safety.  Rich demonstrated how COOL it really is to wear a helmet and to be safe while riding a bike.  Rich and his crew taught basic safety skills like tire pressure, tight handle bars, seat and chain which can be done in less than 30 seconds.

But the highlight of the assembly was watching the stunt-artists perform amazing tricks, wheelies, jumps, and spins.  The biggest stunt of all came at the end when a stunt-man jumped over Mrs. Perschon, Mr. Elliott, Miss Dunn, and another stunt-man.  Students were screaming and excited as the stunt expert peddled from 50 feet away barreling toward the frightened teachers and jumped over all four people with no ramp!  No teachers were harmed in performing this stunt.

Rich Weiber also taught Park Panthers the importance of being nice and not being a bully.  He shared a story of how he was bullied as a kid for trying to do tricks with his bike.  He knew he didn’t want to be a bully when he got older.  Rich continued and shared another story of how a kid was watching him do tricks behind a Walmart and the kid asked if he would teach him.  Rich was happy to and the two of them became the best of friends and were at Park Elementary performing stunts together.     

Rich also taught a great analogy of balance.  He told students balance is very important in order to ride a bike especially when performing tricks.  He taught that we need to stay balanced in life and avoid drugs and other harmful substances that could hurt you or someone else. 

When asked how they got so good at stunts and tricks Rich replied “We’ve spent our lives behind bars…Handle Bars!”


Photos by Adam Gull