October 2023


Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Scooters are no longer allowed inside our school.Please encourage your student to park their scooter outside at the racks around the playground. Thank you for helping us with this new school rule.

Jessica Lindley

Photo With Friends

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Bennett & Phoenix both saved up 25 Proactive Paws to have their photos taken with friends. Bennett is with his friend Jaden and Phoenix is with his friend Mrs. Lindley!

5th Grade Root Beer Float & Dance Party

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

The fifth graders have been working hard all month to earn a party. Each student had to come to school, be on task, participate in lessons, and show leadership skills to earn enough letters to come play. We enjoyed rootbeer floats and then danced! Our fifth graders have some awesome moves! Great job leaders. 

Charla Andersen, Alison Snow

Fall Into Poetry

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

During the month of October, fifth grade will be studying poetry. During our study, we will be posting a fun poem to learn each week. Any Park student can memorize these poems and come recite them to Mrs. Andersen or Mrs. Snow for a treat! We hope you love these poems as much as we do.

Charla Andersen, Alison Snow