SLC Sign-ups

Submitted by sheree.storrer on
SLC sign-ups are here

Student Led Conferences (SLC) sign-ups are here. Please find the link below for your child's teacher to sign-up for a time slot. This is a great opportunity to meet with the teacher and see the progress that your student is making at school!

Mrs. Jones- Kindergarten

Mrs. Sterner- Kindergarten

Mrs. Rodgers- Kindergarten

Mrs. Hunt- 1st Grade

Mrs. Pearson- 1st Grade

Mr. Elliott- 1st Grade

Ms. Davenport- 2nd Grade

Ms. Dunn- 2nd Grade

Mrs. McBride- 2nd Grade

Mrs. Hall- 3rd Grade

Mrs. Langston- 3rd Grade

Mrs. Lloyd- 3rd Grade

Mrs. Webb- 4th Grade

Ms. Webster- 4th Grade

Mrs. Andersen- 5th Grade

Mrs. Snow- 5th Grade

Lindsey Hughes