School Science Fair Winners

Submitted by sheree.storrer on
Science fair project winners
Science fair project winners
Science fair project winners
Science fair project winners

Congratulations to our 5th graders who participated in this year's science fair! This is the first time all the presented projects earned enough points to qualify to advance to the district science fair on February 7th! The science fair projects are optional but require a lot of extra time, materials, and help to accomplish all that is required. We are so proud of all our Park Panthers who chose to participate and we can't wait to see how they do at the district science fair.

"Potato Power" presented by Talon & Phoenix (school winner)                                                          "A Better Scented Marker" presented by Scarlett & Layton                                                           "Heat Force" presented by Westen                                                                                                              "Why Does Learning Position Matter" presented by Ezra & Brinley

Alison Snow