PEAK Award Winner- Jordan Millet

Submitted by sheree.storrer on
Jordan and his nominators
District PEAK award winners
Jordan and some of the staff at Park Elementary

Congratulations to our Park Elementary PEAK Award winner: Jordan Millet! Jordan is a huge asset to our school and is so fun to work with on a daily basis. We truly are so lucky to have him be a part of our school and all his hard work to keep us safe, protected and clean! 

Nominated by: Lindsey Hughes, Bruce Elliott, Aubree Judkins, Lindsey Sheen, Candri Webb, Charla Andersen, Natalie Pearson, Paige Wilson, Heather Jones, Penny McEntire, Sheree Storrer, Janae McAllister, Carrie Dunn, Amy Bird, Tannis Graves, LesLee Hunt, Mandee Webster, Alyse James & Erin Huntsman 

“Jordan has been amazing to be the first to help with anything. Within moments of emailing him, he shows up and takes care of the issue or problem. He is kind and considerate. He is fun to talk to and looks out for all of us and the students. Our students also love him. The school is always clean and professional looking because Jordan cares!”

“Jordan is ALWAYS willing to go above and beyond to make sure students and staff are safe. He will go the extra mile by sending an email of possible dangers such as ice in the parking lot that staff needs to be aware of as they leave the day. He tries everything in his power to solve any of the issues brought to him. If he can't solve it, he will get someone from the district to our school who can. He is such an asset to our school!”

This initiative is designed to focus on "raising the bar" on providing exceptional customer service, both internally and externally. A key component of this initiative is the development of the PEAK Award. The PEAK (Positive Energy and Kindness) Award is presented monthly to someone in the Nebo School District who "really gets it" when it comes to providing exceptional customer service, which in turn results in positive impacts on everyone including students, parents, co-workers and members of the community.

Who Gets Nominated?
Faculty and staff members are nominated by anyone in the community through the Nebo School District website, wherein a special Customer Service link is provided. The directions as to how to nominate an employee for the PEAK Awards are clearly spelled out on the site. All nominations must include information on how the individual has provided exceptional customer service, as well as how the employee's actions impacted the nominator's overall perception of Nebo School District Schools. The name and contact information of the nominator must be included.

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Lana Hiskey