Teacher Tuesday

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on


Mrs. Hunt is one of our FANTASTIC first grade

1. If you had to quit being a teacher today, what would be your next job choice? 

Well before teaching, I was going into dance and wanted my own studio but changed to teaching which fits me nicely.  If I were to quit teaching, I would want to write books. 

2. What is your favorite thing to do on your spare time? 

In my spare time, I love to spend time with my family, read lots of books, watch movies, and play games.

Miss Utah visits Kindergarten

Submitted by bristi.poulson on

Miss Utah, Dexonna Talbot, visited the kindergarten classes to share her experience with a young man who had been pranked in regards to a school dance invite.  She talked about using her voice to inspire others to be kind. Bullying is never acceptable.  She read her book to the class and donated a copy of it to us!

Mrs. Leifson

Technician Thursday

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

This week's technician Thursday is Miss. Marshall, Miss Marshall is a kindergarten technician and such a great help to our school. We asked her the following questions,

1. What is your favorite food? 2.Favorite thing to do in your spare time?  Here are her answers: 1. My favorite food is  mashed potatoes2. Her favorite thing to do in her spare time is to ride her horses. 


Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Today we had the opportunity to watch the amazing stunt masters team, they are a BMX group and did such a fantastic job and our student sure enjoyed them. 


Teacher Tuesday

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

This weeks teacher Tuesday is Mrs. Bird, Mrs. Bird is one of our fantastic second-grade teachers. 

Here were the questions asked as well as her answers. 

Technician Thursday

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Our Thursday spotlight this week is Mrs. Hatch, she is one of our amazing secretaries and is such a great face to our school. Mrs. Hatch was asked the following questions and her responses.

What is one thing you love about your job?

The amazing people I get to associate with daily. There is a positive vibe about Park school that makes it a great place to be.

If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?