
Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Congratulations to Aleah Fullmer, she saved up 25 Proactive Paws that way she could have her picture taken with a friend and put on the website and social media. 

Great Job Aleah, you are a true leader! 

Food and Clothing Giveaway

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

We are happy to announce that Park Elementary will be hosting its Annual Food and Clothing Giveaway on Wednesday, December 16. You can come and get free food and clothing items. We will be holding this event from 8:15-5:00. You will need to check in at the office first. You will be directed to the classroom where the food and clothing items can be picked up. We are allowing one family at a time. You will need to sign up on the link below to secure your time.


Lindsey Hughes

Love and Logic class

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Please join us on-line for the Love and Logic parenting class that we have scheduled for after the holidays.  It will run via Zoom on Tuesdays from 6-7:30 Jan 12, Jan 19 and Jan 26.

To sign up please email Aubree Judkins at aubree.judkins [at]

Aubree Judkins

Happy Veterans Day!

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Thank you Veterans for all your courage, dedication, and hard work. Thank you to the military families for their support, resilience, and sacrifice. We don't know you all, but we owe you all.

#BeTheMagic #NeboHero #NeboSchoolDistrict #StudentSuccess #EmpowerStudents #EngageStudents #FocusOnStudents #LoveUTpublicSchools #UtPol #UtEd #ThankATeacher #LoveTeaching #covid19 #staywellnebo

Lana Hiskey

National School Psychology Week 2020

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Nebo celebrates all our school psychologists, and all they do for Nebo students.

During the week of November 9-13, 2020, schools throughout the United States will celebrate National School Psychology Week to highlight the important work school psychologists and other educators do to help all students thrive.

Lana Hiskey

October Victory Winners!

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Congratulations to Octobers victory winners! We are so proud of our leaders here at Park Elementary!

*click on the link below*

Mandee Webster