Becoming Authors

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Ms. Dunn's class learned about how author Donald Crews got his book ideas from sketching the world around him. We followed that example and sketched ideas that we found interesting in our world and then turned those ideas into stories. We are on our way to becoming authors!

Carrie Dunn

Spirit Day Winners

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Congratulations to this weeks Spirit Day Winners! :)  Mrs. Bird’s class had 80% of her students in Spirit Day gear, Parker the Panther had a great week in their classroom! Great Job Leaders! 

October Leadership Story

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Parents, please check your email for this months Leadership Story link & the link for the story form! Students who listen to the story and fill out the form get entered in to a drawing for that months book. 

Apple Week

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Mrs. Taylor’s class had Apple Week September 21-24.  We read books about apples, did phonics skills with apples, and did math using apples.  We ended our Apple Week by trying 3 different kinds of Apple snacks.  We then graphed our class’ favorite Apple  snack.  

Natalie Taylor

Subtraction Bowling

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Mrs. Taylor’s class did subtraction bowling.  Each student got to have a turn bowling.  All the other students wrote down the subtraction problems to represent the students number of pins that were knocked over and how many were still standing.  They had so much fun doing their subtraction!!

Natalie Taylor

Fifth Grade Dance Party

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Today, our fifth graders had a fun party. This month students have been earning their way to a rootbeer float and dance party reward. Each student had to show good behavior and be an active learner throughout the month. We had a great time dancing! We are thankful for the amazing fifth grade students that we have at Park!

Fifth Grade Teachers