Kandinsky Circles

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Mrs. Andersen’s class got to have Mrs. Brockbank come and do a fun art lesson. We created Kandinsky Circles while listening to music.

Charla Andersen


Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Mrs. James' class has been learning a lot about measuring lengths in inches. They have learned about whole inches, half inches and even quarter inches. This activity had them measuring different pictures of items and recording their measurements. 

Alyse James

5th Grade Owl Pellets

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Fifth grade got to dissect owl pellets this last week! They had fun seeing what owls eat and where they get their energy by investigating their pellets.  It helps students better understand the cycling of matter in ecosystems. 

Charla Andersen, Alison Snow

Time Capsule

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Mrs. Taylor’s class got to see a time capsule get opened on 2-22-22.  The time capsule was put together in 1997 by the third graders at Park.  It was supposed to be opened up this school year.  So, what a great day to open it up on 2-22-22.  Then each student in Mrs. Taylor’s class made their own time capsule that they took home.  Their time capsule will be opened up on 3-3-33, the year they are a senior in high school. 

Natalie Taylor

First Grade on Twos-day

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

First Grade had so much fun on Twos-day, 2-22-22. The kids had a blast with lots of "twos" activities, catching the clock at 2:22pm and creating fun hat art.

Natalie Taylor, Bruce Elliott, LesLee Hunt

Book Fair

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Just a reminder that our book fair starts next tomorrow and ends on Friday. This event is an awesome way to help our school and benefit us with more books for our classrooms and students!