5th Grade Reaction Time

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Fifth grade at Park Elementary had a great time participating in “Reaction Time”! The Discovery Gateway Lab brought a scientist to share expertise in matter.  We all got to review our knowledge of what makes a chemical changes and physical change with hands on experiments.  Great work fifth graders!

Alison Snow

Book Basket Winners

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Every student who attended our Family Reading Night was given a ticket that was entered into a drawing for a prize basket in their class. Here are our winners!

Kindergarten: Asher, Christian, Phebe, Ethan

First Grade: Analise, Madelyn and Oliver

Second Grade: Zane, Emma, Jacob and Watson

Third Grade: Alvin, Brent and Scarlett

Fourth Grade: Diego and Venice

Fifth Grade: Emery, Serenity and Charlotte









Family Reading Night

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Our drive through family reading night was a huge success! Thank you to all the parents and students who showed up and supported this event. We also want to give a shout out to all our teachers and staff who put many hours behind the scenes into planning and making sure this event was fun and worthwhile!

Candri Webb, Holly Moss


Submitted by lindsey.hughes on

Park Parents,

Please see the attached flyers for more information about Preschool.



Padres del parque,


Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Our read-a-thon last Friday was a huge success! Our students had so much fun choosing books to bring from home to read or from their classroom libraries. They were able to bring a blanket, stuffed animal or pillow with them to school so they could be comfortable while they read. The students also were given a small treat to celebrate the event!

Virtual Leadership Day

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Mark your calendars! Parents and families are invited to view the VIRTUAL LEADERSHIP DAY on March 14th. Each grade level has prepared presentations on our Habits. Students are invited to wear their Park spirit shirts and colors that day. 

Holly Moss