Fifth Grade Food Web

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

We’ve had some fun in 5th grade science learning about the Food Web.  We have had some hands on experiments watching worms (one of many decomposers), and seeing yeast eat sugar and create gas after students decided what variable to change in the experiment.  Both worms and yeast are beneficial to us as humans.  You may want to ask a 5th grader why.

Alison Snow

First Grade Math

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

The first graders have been learning about 2-dimensional shapes in math.  They’ve learned the 2-D shapes and their attributes.  They also learned about building figures using 2-D shapes.  They’ve had a lot of fun doing geometry.  

Natalie Taylor

2022-2023 Registration

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Registration for the 2022-23 school year is NOW OPEN for all families currently enrolled in Nebo schools.  Please log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal to complete your annual registration and to add any children attending for the first time in 2022-23 (Kindergarten).  

You can access your portal here: Infinite Campus Parent Portal

  • To start your registration, select More at the bottom left of the menu

Parent Flyer

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

If you missed the drive through family reading night or misplaced the parent flyer that was handed out, here is another copy!

Penny McEntire

Outdoor Concert

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Students got to hear an outdoor concert from Mrs. Brockbank. She played the bagpipes and taught the students some quick dance moves. 

Esther Cox