Spirit Winners!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Congratulations to Kindergarten for winning spirit week again! Mrs. Jones's had 95% of her class in spirit colors this week and they were so excited to get to keep Parker for another week!

Heather Jones

4th Grade Field Trip

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Fourth grade enjoyed an afternoon at the Spanish Fork Daughter’s of Utah Pioneers Museum this week. Students got a glimpse into some of Utah and Spanish Fork's history.

Mandee Webster, Candri Webb

School Picture Day

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

School picture day is tomorrow, September 22! Flyers were sent home earlier this week. If you would like to pay online, please go to www.bellphoto.com and our code is ParkES22. Put the seven digit code on the envelope that was sent home with your student and have them bring it to school tomorrow!

Reading Buddies

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Our first graders were so excited to have 5th grade reading buddies start.  The fifth graders were buddied up with the first graders.  They played a game to get to know each other.  Then the fifth grade buddies read library books to their first grade buddy.  

Natalie Taylor

SLCs and T-shirts

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Just a reminder that SLC's are next week and T-shirt forms are due by Sunday night. If you haven't done so already and you need an SLC appointment or to sign your student up for a free school spirit shirt, please do so at the links below! These forms are teacher specific so please only sign your student up under their individual teacher links. Thank you!

Mrs. Packer- T-shirt