3rd Grade Multiplication Fun

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Mrs. Lloyd’s 3rd grade students are learning different ways to represent multiplication. One way is with equal groups. Today they worked on showing equal groups using counters and even got to draw on their desks with their whiteboard markers! Multiplication is exciting!

Cristina Lloyd

Discovery Gateway

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

The fifth grade at Park Elementary enjoyed science with "Reaction Time" brought to us by Discovery Gateway.  It is a fun program where we learn about mixing different substances and chemical reactions.  We learned about liquids, solids, and gasses.  Each student received a free student pass to visit the Discovery Gateway.  This was a fun learning experience for those able to attend!!

Alison Snow

Picture Retakes

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Our picture retake day is coming up on Thursday, October 27! Please pre-pay for pictures by going to www.bellphoto.com and putting in the code ParkES22. Photos will be taken in the morning.

Utah Food Bank Truck

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Utah Food Bank truck will visit our school tomorrow, October 25! The food truck is for all students and their families. They will hand out food in the cafeteria as soon as the bell rings at the end of the school day.

Lindsey Hughes

Halloween Parade

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

We LOVE doing a Halloween Parade and we are so excited that you come to watch each year.
Our parade will be at a different time, so that we don't have the chaos of trying to check
students out. Please DO NOT come into the school before or after the parade. Your help in
staying out of the building, helps me to ensure student safety. Thanks for your cooperation!
We will begin our Halloween Parade promptly at 9:00 am. We will exit the front doors of the
school and begin heading east on 100 North. At 700 East, we will turn and head south. At

Lindsey Hughes

Spirit Friday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Our new Park Panther t-shirts came in this week and we waited to hand them out to the students until this morning! Every class earned 100% school spirit  so we made sure to document them all in their new shirts. We then put all the classes into a drawing and Mrs. Hunt's class won the privilege of having Parker the Panther come join them for the next week. This was such a fun day at school and the students now have a school shirt to wear every Friday!