
Submitted by sheree.storrer on

The fifth grade got to learn about fossils from the amazing Patrick Hogle. We learned what a fossil is and cut into our very own slab of rock to expose a fish fossil that hasn’t been seen by humans! It was a great way to see how what we are learning about in CKLA fits in the world around us.

Charla Andersen

Photo With A Friend

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Christopher and Jaylee have been working hard to save up enough Proactive Paws to have their photo taken with their friends. We love when our leaders want to share their rewards with others. 

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday Mrs. Peterson! Mrs. Peterson is a roaming technician and helps in classrooms with being an extra set of hands and also helping with small group instructions and testing. She is great with our students and is incredibly patient with them. She takes time to get to know her students and work with them and their needs and makes them feel important. Thank you for all you do Mrs. Peterson. We hope you have an amazing birthday!

Arbor Day

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Our 3rd and 4th grade students had the opportunity to attend an Arbor Day program with Spanish Fork city last week. Our PSL presented and gave speeches and our students were able to help plant a few trees in the grassy field near Spanish Fork Junior High!

You can watch the video here

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday Mrs. Munn! Mrs. Munn is also a traveling technician and works with several teachers to help in small groups and individual student needs in reading and math. She also is a friendly and smiling face in the mornings when conducting her morning crosswalk duty. Mrs. Munn is patient and sincere with helping the students that she is assigned to be with and is never one to complain. We are so glad that we get to work with Mrs. Munn everyday and her positive outlook towards others. Have a great and fun birthday Mrs. Munn!