Drill Off

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Fifth grade had a drill off after learning about Valley Forge and Baron Von Steuben. They did awesome at being soldiers for a few minutes!

Charla Andersen

Love & Logic Class

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Our very own Mrs. J is hosting a free online workshop called "Parenting the Love and Logic Way"! Please email her to sign up at aubree.judkins [at] nebo.edu

Aubree Judkins

5th Grade Reward Party

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Mrs. Andersen’s class has been working hard on their behavior in specialist classes this year. They earned their first reward today. We had fun trying to beat each other in an obstacle course! Hopefully they can earn another reward soon.

Charla Andersen

Happy Birthday

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday to Ms. Mott! She is a wonderful help in our ACC Kindergarten classroom and the kids love her. We hope you have a great day Ms. Mott!

Photos with Friends

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Anthony and Blaize both saved up enough proactive paws to take a photo with a friend and have it posted on our social media. Way to go friends!

Lauren Davenport

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday Mrs. Thornton! She is seen every morning at breakfast and every afternoon at lunch by all the students. Mrs. Thornton is always interacting with the students and cares deeply about making sure that no student feels or goes hungry. She is loving and respectful and tries so hard to make sure that things in our cafeteria run smoothly so that every student can be fed on time and not feel rushed. Have a great day Mrs. Thornton!