Revolutionary War Presentation

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

The fifth grade had an amazing presentation today! Skyler Pinales has been doing Revolutionary War re-enactments since he was four years old! He handmade all of his uniforms and explained them all to us. We even got to touch them. It was a fun and informational presentation!

Charla Andersen

Utah State Capitol Field Trip

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Fifth grade got to visit the State Capitol last week. The students were amazed by the beautiful architecture and even found out that one of the rooms they were in was worth seven million dollars! We had great tour guides who taught us all about the history of the Capitol. 

Charla Andersen & Alison Snow

Fall Break

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Fall Break begins this Thursday! We have no school on October 19, 20 and 23. We hope you all have a fun filled break and we will see you all back in school on Tuesday, October 24!

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy birthday Mrs. Hunt! Mrs. Hunt is on our first grade team and brings so much positive energy and joy to those around her. She is adventurous, energetic, animated and fantastic at her job. Her students LOVE her and so do we! She is always willing  to help, has great ideas and makes everything fun. Have the best birthday Mrs. Hunt!

Sound Walk

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Mrs. Boren's class went on a "Sound Walk" to learn more about sound waves!

Rosie Boren

Poem of the Week- October 16-18

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Starting this week, we will have a weekly poem to memorize in the fifth grade hallway! You can take a paper home to help you memorize the poem if you want. Anyone that comes to recite the poem to either Mrs. Snow or Mrs. Andersen will get a treat! Enjoy this fun activity.                  P.S. This is for ALL grades.

Charla Andersen

Middle Ages

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Students in Mrs. Webb's class have been learning about the Middle Ages. Recently they worked to find the positives and negatives of living in a town in the Middle Ages. They thought one of the biggest negatives was not having flushing toilets. No one liked the idea of using a chamber pot!

Candri Webb

Photos With Friends

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

We had several students this week turn in 25 Proactive Paws to have their photo taken with a friend! They were Sophie, hazel, Layton, Ellie, Bennett and Phoenix! Way to be awesome leaders Park Panthers!