Spirit Winners & Friends

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Congratulations to Mrs. Boren's class for winning our spirit wear this week! Way to go 4th grade!

Jaden & Ryker also saved up enough Proactive Paws this week to have their photo taken with a friend! Way to work hard and be great leaders at our school.

Nebo School District's Winter Community School Program

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Expand Your Horizons and Improve Your Abilities with Winter Classes Beginning in January

Nebo School District is excited to announce its Winter Community School Program, offering a variety of classes for adults and youth at each of our high schools. Classes will begin in January and will cover a wide range of topics, including:

Letter from Child Nutrition

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Dear Nebo Parents,

Exciting News!  We're delighted to inform you about updates to our monthly Child Nutrition Menus.  You can now conveniently access the breakfast and lunch menu by clicking on the "School Lunch" link on your school's website or by visiting the district website at Nebo.edu.  Simply navigate to the Department tab, click on Child Nutrition, and then select Menu.

Food Giveaway

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Just a reminder that today and tomorrow are our last days for our food giveaway. We are open until 7pm tonight. Please feel welcome to stop by and pick up some food for your family. Students must be accompanied by an adult.

Food Giveaway Tomorrow!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Don't forget that our food drive starts tomorrow and ends on Friday! Please feel welcome to stop by and pick up some food for your family. Students must be accompanied by an adult

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:15am - 3:30pm                                                      Thursday: 8:15am - 7pm

We're Hiring!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

We're hiring for a special education teacher. If you or anyone you know is interested and would like to apply, please have them click here. We would love to have them join our team here at Park Elementary!

Jessica Lindley

Park Choir Concert

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Our music club is holding their very first concert on December 11th at 6pm. We invite everyone to come enjoy this special holiday concert and support our 4th and 5th grade choir club students! 

Rosie Boren