Park's Positive Panthers

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Park Elementary halls were filled with Positive Panthers as they entered the school on monday morning.  Many students have been caught using the habits in the classroom, hallways, playground and lunch room.

Patrick Young from Mrs. Coates class was the first to receive a "Golden Panther Paw" and was able to write his name on the Postive Panther board. 

Photos by: Adam Gull

No Tardy Smarties

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Park Elementary students and faculty have set a goal to have 95% on-time attendance by 8:30.  Students learned about the No Tardy Smarties last week in an assembly to kick off school and class W.I.G.S or Wildly Important Goals.

This is a special year for Park Elementary as we work toward becoming a Lighthouse School as part of The Leader in Me program.  As part of the requirements, school administrators, teachers, and students have several scoreboards to help motivate and increase on-time attendance, behavior and academics.  

Photo by: Adam Gull

Veterans Day

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Park Elementary recognized our brave veterans in an honorary assembly on November 8, 2013.

Students were invited to send pictures of veterans in their family that are currently serving or who have served, to the office to be put into a slideshow to be shown in the assembly on November 8th.  This was one of several special ways to honor our veterans.  

Photos by Adam Gull

5th Grade Book Buddies

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5th grade students enjoyed reading with their "Book Buddy"  on November 8th.

Students were able to sit and read or listen to a variety of books and enjoy a delicious donut afterwards.  Thanks to all of our teachers, students and visitors for making this event so special! 


Photos by Adam Gull

Reflections Winners

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

        2013 Reflections Theme:“Believe, Dream, Inspire”

Congratulations to the 2013 Reflections Winners!  They are from left to right: Kayson Brinkerhoff, Daysun Cuthill, Aurora Bateman, Mady Lackey, Draeven Miner, Jessica Cook (not pictured).

Thank You to all students who participated and Brian Esparza from the PTA for organizing this years contest.  


Photos by Tamra Lybbert

What's Your Guess?

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Students in Mrs. Hobbin's 1st Grade Class were up to their elbows in a slippery, slimy math lesson yesterday.  

Students were presented with a large and small pumpkin.  Mrs. Hobbins began her lesson on estimation and counting by having students guess how many seeds were in each pumpkin.  Students then dug out the inside of the pumpkins and counted all the seeds.

Morgan from Mrs. Hobbins class said: "We got all the yucky stuff out and counted the seeds.  It was my favorite activity in school!"  

Photos by Tamra Lybbert

Special Delivery from Harward Farms

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Students at Park were surprised with a special gift yesterday morning.  Jake Harward from Harward Farms delivered a pumkin to each student for Halloween.  Students lined the front of the school and one-by-one received a pumkin as Harward Farms workers unloaded the pumpkins from a flat bed truck.  Students' smiles were as wide as a jack-o'-lantern.

Zoeie from Mrs. Farrer's 3rd grade class presented a Thank You card to Jake and the Harward Farms crew.

We appreciate Harward Farms for bringing joy to Park students!

Photos by Tamra Lybbert

Park Halloween Parade Coming Up!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Park Elementary will be holding our annual Halloween Parade on October 31 at 2:00 p.m.

Everyone is invited to attend.  Please be lined up anywhere along the outside of the school.  We will parade around the entire block of the school.

  • Please send students to school in their costumes.
  • If they need to have their faces painted it must be done before they come to school.
  • No masks or weapons will be allowed.