Photo With Friends!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Jaden, Phoenix and Austin each earned 25 Proactive Paws to have their photo taken with a friend. 2nd grade is on fire with earning these Proactive Paws and including others in their wins! Way to work hard friends!

Kindergarten Party!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Mrs. Jensen's class has been working so hard on completing their daily reading homework that they earned a class party! They were able to watch a fun video, dance to Christmas lights projected around the room and eat a yummy treat. Way to work hard on your reading goals Mrs. Jensen's class!

Michelle Jensen

Food Bank

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

The Utah Food bank will be here tomorrow right after school! The food bank generously brings food to share with every family and every student is encouraged to stop by the cafeteria after school and pick up some food to take home.

Spirit Winners

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Today was wear an ugly Christmas sweater day at school. Because of this, spirit wear could be counted as their Park spirit shirts or ugly sweaters! Congratulations to Mrs. Pearson's class for taking the win today. She had 80% of her students in spirit wear today! Way to go first grade!

Natalie Pearson

Photo With A Friend

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Kasen has been working so hard at earning and saving up his Proactive Paws. He turned in enough to have his photo taken with a friend and don't they just look so excited to have their photo with each other? Great job Kasen!!

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday to Mrs. Thomas! She is one of our amazing Title 1 technicians and does so much to help out around school. Mrs. Thomas is a very positive person and always has a smile on her face. She loves her students and in return they love her back. We hope your birthday is amazing Mrs. Thomas!

NOVA Celebration

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Officer Leifson brought the fifth graders donuts and NOVA shirts to celebrate our time learning NOVA principles. We loved having him in our classrooms every week! We learned many things including to be the lone wolf and that right is right. Thanks Officer Leifson!

Charla Andersen

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday Ms. Burt! Ms. Burt is our school psychologist and does a wonderful job with helping students and parents with resources to help them become successful in all that they do. She is awesome with our students and helps them feel like they matter. Have a great birthday Ms. Burt!