The Force is Strong in Computers

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

A vision in Nebo School District is to develop 21st Century skills in our students.  At Park Elementary we have the best computers teacher in the district in Lorie Graham.  Mrs. Graham does a tremendous job teaching keyboarding and computer skills that prepares students for the technological world.  

Photo and Article by Adam Gull

Student Led Conferences This Wednesday

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

It's that time again!  Please join us this Wednesday, December 2nd from 2:15-9:00 P.M. for Student Led Conferences.  Students will share their Leadership Binder and share their progress and goals they have met or are still working on.  This is a great time to discuss any victories or concerns you may have as well.

If you have forgotten your scheduled time or have any other questions, please call the office at 801-798-4045.  See you then!

Photo and Article by Adam Gull

Putting the Pieces Together in Leadership Academy

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Students are branching out in Leadership Academy the next few days.  They are learning about Mosaic art and creating their own little masterpieces.  Mosaic is the art of creating images with an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials. It is a technique of decorative art or interior decoration.

Masterpieces by Park Panthers Photo and Article by Adam Gull

Museum on the Move

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The 4th grade received a visit from Museum on the Move today. They are a traveling museum from The Natural History Museum of Utah in Salt Lake City. They came to teach part of the 4th grade Science Core including a study of Rocks and Minerals, and Fossils. Students were able to observe, infer and record the information they gathered as they handled the fossil and rock specimens.

Article by Leslie Perschon Photos by Adam Gull

The Power of Parent Volunteers

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

"At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents." -Jane D. Hull

The halls of Park Elementary have a few more faces than normal on a typical school day.

  I noticed this one day walking back to my office.  I thought to myself how wonderful it is to semore and more parents in the classroom and in the hallways working with students and helping teachers. 

Article and Photo by Adam Gull

Veterans Day-Some Gave All

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

“All Gave Some and Some Gave All” –Billy Ray Cyrus

Today we honor our Veterans who have served our country so bravely.  At Park Elementary, students know the importance of this day.  It is a day to be grateful.  It is a day to remember.  It is a day to be proud to be an American.  As a school, we wanted to give back to our Veterans.  Knowing that what we have to give is so little compared to those that gave so much.

Article and Pictures by Adam Gull Video by Amy Darrington

What do a Ferrari, a Cougar and a Demolition Derby Car have in common?

Submitted by ryan.kay on

What do a Ferrari, a Cougar and a Demolition Derby Car have in common?

They were all part of a hands on Red Ribbon Lesson to illustrate what your healthy body looks like when you take care of it and what your unhealthy body looks like when you abuse it.  Thanks to our awesome PTA for a great Red Ribbon Week!