Park Leaders Preparing for City Celebration

Submitted by ryan.kay on

Park Student Leaders (PSL) met Monday morning to make sure their school is in tip top shape for the upcoming Spanish Fork City celebration, Fiesta Days.  Parades run right by our school and students wanted to make sure that everyone that passed by Park knew of the pride they have for their school.  Hats off to our student leaders, the flower beds look great and Center Street is clean and weed free and ready for the community to relax and enjoy the parades.  HAPPY FIESTA DAYS!


Park School Registration - August 2, 2016

Submitted by ryan.kay on

Mark your calendars now, registration at Park Elementary is August 2, 7:30 - 4:00.

It is important that each little Panther come in and get registered on this day so we can have an accurate count as we begin the school year.  Final teacher assignments are also based on the number of students we register this day, so it is SO IMPORTANT that we have our students register.

Students will receive their teacher assignment, purchase their NEW school shirts and parents can join our awesome PTO.

See you August 2!

Champion Readers

Submitted by ryan.kay on

As the Champions Challenge Rodeo rode into town, all of the cowboys and cowgirls took a moment to recognize all of the minutes Spanish Fork Elementary students read during the Champions Reading Challenge.  Congratulations to Jordan Jensen and Kyler Hoover who were the boot winners for Park Elementary.  They were part of the rodeos opening ceremonies.  Special thanks to Justin Boots for donating a pair of boots for each of them.  Also a big shout out to Steve Money, Steve Leifson and the entire Fiesta Days Rodeo Committee!

Last Day of School

Submitted by ryan.kay on

We can't believe the school year is already over!  Our last day of school is May 27.  Students will get out of school at noon.  Lunch will be served early this day.  Thanks for a great year!