1 + 1 = 3 OR MORE

Submitted by ryan.kay on
No, this isn't "new math" it's students learning how utilizing habit # 6 "Synergize" can help you work together to solve a problem. Check out our 5th graders synergizing in Leadership Academy.

School is In Session (Thur 1/5)

Submitted by ryan.kay on

School is In Session (Thur 1/5)Areas of Nebo School District have been affected by the recent storm. After evaluating the situation, as of 6:10am, the decision has been made that the schools of Nebo School District will be open for school at regular times today (Thur 1/5/17). Busses are running.

2 Hour Delay

Submitted by ryan.kay on

Park Elementary is on a 2 Hour Start Delay.  School will start at 10:30.  There will be no Morning Kindergarten today.  Travel Safe!

Spirit of Giving

Submitted by ryan.kay on

In the spirit of giving, Mr. James 6th grade class opted out of a traditional Christmas party on the last day of school.  Instead, they walked to the rest home in Spanish Fork and sang Christmas Carols to all of the residents.  We are so proud of the selflesness that our students are displaying.  Special thanks to Miranda Thompsen - room mother for setting it up.