Term 2 Student Led Conference Sign Up

Submitted by bristi.poulson on

Below you will find links to sign up for a Student Led Conference time.  We will keep our fingers crossed that the online sign ups work smoothly. 

*Please follow the link for the teacher you need to set up an appointment with.

*You will notice some classes have scheduled appointments and some are doing it more open house where you sign up for a chunk of time that works for you to come in.

*Please sign up with your students name.

Bristi Poulson

Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by lindsey.hughes on

Congratulations to Mrs. McAllister who was awarded this year’s Crystal Apple award. Mrs. McAllister loves the students and they love her! Well deserved, Mrs. McAllister!

Hoop Shoot

Submitted by lindsey.hughes on

On Saturday, Morgan Jackson (4th grade), Emily Taylor (5th grade), Michael Snyder (5th grade), and Anthony Toledo (6th grade) attended the Hoop Shoot competition in Provo. Congratulations to these wonderful students for making it to Provo to compete!

Turkey Gobble Contest

Submitted by lindsey.hughes on

Today was our annual Turkey Gobble Contest. Each grade level winner received a turkey to take home! After our student gobblers, our teachers gobbled to see who would be crowned the Best Teacher Gobbler of 2017. We were also thrilled to have a panel of “experienced” judges from all around the globe!

Leadership Conference

Submitted by bristi.poulson on

Our Park Student Leaders (PSL) went to a state leadership conference at BYU today. They learned about their leadership roles in our school and how to be a great example to the students around them. They also learned how to improve our school community. Way to go! 

Janae McAllister

November Principal Challenge

Submitted by lindsey.hughes on

November is a month of giving thanks and showing gratitude! Complete an act of service this month! Send us a picture of you doing an act of service so we can post it on our board and on Facebook! Let's make the world a better place TOGETHER!

Veterans Day

Submitted by nate.holt on

We are so excited for Veterans Day and the opportunity to honor all veterans, but especially our local veterans. If you know a veteran, please invite them to attend our celebration. We would like our veterans to be here at 12:30 on Friday. The assembly will start at 1:00

Please contact the school if you are a veteran and will be attending or if you know a veteran who will be there and let us know.

Veterans Day Pictures

Submitted by bristi.poulson on

Please send in pictures of your Veterans by Friday, Nov. 3. Please include their rank, if you can, and the students names that attend Park Elementary. Thank you! 

google images