Box Tops

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on


Box Tops is changing to fit today's families. The new and improved Box Tops mobile app uses-state-of-the-art technology to scan your stor3e receipt, find participating products and instantly add Box Tops to your school's earnings online. 

Spring Picture Day

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Spring Picture Day will be held on Wednesday, February 26, 2020. A note will be sent home soon with your student with some more information about picture day. 

Magician Assembly

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

A huge thanks to rocky's tire pros here in Spanish Fork for funding our assembly yesterday, we had such a blast with Magician Mike Hamilton. Our kids sure enjoyed this assembly and are still talking about it.  

Thanks again Rocky's tire pros!!!!!

First Grade Field Trip

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Our first-grade students had a great time on their field trip to the Scera Theater. They watched a play called ‘The Three Pigs’. The students loved seeing a different version of a classic story. They were able to interact with the actors and learn about the props and special effects. They also learned that it is better to work together and synergize!

Cristina Marshall

Teacher Tuesday

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

This week's Teacher Tuesday is Mr. Elliott, Mr. Elliott is one of our Kindergarten Teachers and is such an amazing Teacher to our young students.


1) If you could have any superpower what would it be and why? If there is a superpower to be in two places at a time, I would choose that because then I could get all the things done that I need or want to.   2) Who is your biggest role model and why? My biggest role model is my father because he was a humble man who had his priorities right.  

Teacher Tuesday

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on


Mrs. Hunt is one of our FANTASTIC first grade

1. If you had to quit being a teacher today, what would be your next job choice? 

Well before teaching, I was going into dance and wanted my own studio but changed to teaching which fits me nicely.  If I were to quit teaching, I would want to write books. 

2. What is your favorite thing to do on your spare time? 

In my spare time, I love to spend time with my family, read lots of books, watch movies, and play games.