Registration Day

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

We are holding a Registration Day at our school on Tuesday, August 1st from 8am-3pm. Please invite your family, friends and neighbors who have not registered yet or are new to our district to this event! We will have computers to use and interpreters to help fill out the online registration and the free and reduced lunch application. We will also provide a free backpack for those who are interested for their students. For anyone who comes to the school and fills out the free and reduced lunch application, you will be entered into a drawing!

Mark Your Calendars

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Free & Reduced lunch applications open up on July 17th! Did you know that even if you do not qualify for free or reduced lunch, the state sends funding to each school based on the number of applications submitted, not based on approvals? Please fill out the application when it opens. We would appreciate it very much!

Calling All Kindergarten Parents

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

If you have not registered your Kindergarten students yet, now is the time! Please share this post with friends and fmaily and spread the word that Kindergarten registration is now open.  Registration numbers are important to keeping our teachers and we are lucky to have some of the best Kindergarten teachers in the district.