Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday Mr. Burraston! Park has been so grateful for everything you did this summer to get our school ready for the new school year. Mr. Burraston is happy to help where he needed and is always so positive and happy. He has been a great addition to Park this year and we are so lucky to have him!

Spirit Wear

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

It's that time of year again where Fridays mean spirit wear! Mrs. Lindley so graciously bought every student a new spirit shirt to wear this year. We ask that every Friday the students wear their spirit shirts along with the staff. The class that has the most the most students in their spirit wear earn the opportunity to have Parker the Panther join their class for the next week and have their photo posted on our social media. This weeks winner goes to Mrs. Webb's class! Congratulations!

Candri Webb

5th Grade

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

At the beginning of every school year, 5th graders pair up with a partner and they write poems about each other. Then the students spend some time drawing caricatures of themselves. The hallway is filled with fun drawings and poems to see and read!