Welcome To Park School Annalyse Anderson!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

We all know that we have new teachers here at Park Elementary.  One of them is Mrs. Anderson, who teaches 6th Grade. Here are some fun facts about Mrs. Anderson.  Her favorite color is purple. She's married and has 4 kids. In her free time, she likes to watch her kids play sports.  She wants to make a shout out to all the nice students and faculty members and teachers. All of her students are happy to have her as their teacher!

Photo and Article by Nate Gilmore & Carson Czarnik, 5th grade students

Welcome to Park Elementary, Miss Beaudin!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

This is Miss Beaudin's first year teaching but she has helped in classes before and she says she loves teaching here at Park. She loves reading and playing games in her free time. She has 6 people in her family, and she wants a dog but her dad says no. Her favorite subject to teach is math because some times they do fun activities. 

Photo and article by Sara Woods 5th Grade Student

Park School T-shirts

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Order your limited edition Park Elementary t-shirt for Christmas!  Orders will be taken thru Friday November 9th.  Order forms are available in the main office.  The price is $8 and will be delivered in time for Christmas. Click through the photos to see all the color choices.

Photos by Kim Clark

Move over, New York Times, 'cause here comes the Panther Press!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

The Panther Press is a new journalism club created by Mrs. Mendenhall that gives students selected the chance to write articles for our school newspaper. Over the year, the members on the Panther Press will be able to write about exciting assemblies that take place throughout the year, as well as special field trips, Spelling Bees, class projects, and other subjects with signifigant importance. The members are excited for this new oppurtunity that has come upon them, and can't wait to publish their hard work on our school website!

Article by Wynter Watkins (6th Grade); Photo by Aprel Mendenhall