Spelling Bee

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

On Wednesday, April 17, Park Elementary held their annual Spelling Bee.  Many students work hard studying their spelling words.  The Spelling Bee winner was Natalie Combs.  Other class winners were Emberly Walburger, Kenzie Huff, Josh Paulk, Nathan Oviatt, Spencer Platt, Piper Shick, and Wynter Watkins.  Congratulations to these Park Leaders of Spelling!

Article by Aprel Mendenhall; Photo by Tamra Lybbert

Park Elementary Leader: Bethany Wilson

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Ten-year-old Bethany Wilson had been diagnosed with Leukemia when she was young. Luckily, it went away with lots of help. She is now cancer free! She had to be checked out of fifth grade this year because she kept getting sick. Bethany said, "I think others notice that I'm gone and wonder about me." She also said. "I miss Park School a lot." Bethany may be going to Brockbank Elementary School in the Fall. So many of us hope that she will come to Park School. Bethany currently goes to K-12 online learning school. Bethany has nine siblings and two parents.

Article by Carson Czarnik

6th Grade Registration

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Sixth Grade students had the opportunity to attend a registration assembly at Diamond Fork and Spanish Fork Junior High Schools.  Students listened to the Jazz Band, 8th Grade Orchestra, and Choir preform.  The counselors explained how to fill out the registration form and discussed all of the elective choices.  Junior High School Students then took the 6th graders on a tour of the school.  It was a fun and exciting visit.  Each student was given a registration form that need to be returned to their 6th grade teacher by Friday, March 22.

Article and Photos by Aprel Mendenhall

Park Students Love to Synergize!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Habit #6 is important because it teaches people to work together. It also helps because a lot of the time you get a job that you need to work together.  Habit #6 is Synergize which means to work together. We all should synergize and work together to get along better. Habit #6 and the other habits make our school better. 

Article and Photos by Josh Paulk