Veterans Day

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Park Elementary recognized our brave veterans in an honorary assembly on November 8, 2013.

Students were invited to send pictures of veterans in their family that are currently serving or who have served, to the office to be put into a slideshow to be shown in the assembly on November 8th.  This was one of several special ways to honor our veterans.  

Photos by Adam Gull

5th Grade Book Buddies

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

5th grade students enjoyed reading with their "Book Buddy"  on November 8th.

Students were able to sit and read or listen to a variety of books and enjoy a delicious donut afterwards.  Thanks to all of our teachers, students and visitors for making this event so special! 


Photos by Adam Gull

Reflections Winners

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

        2013 Reflections Theme:“Believe, Dream, Inspire”

Congratulations to the 2013 Reflections Winners!  They are from left to right: Kayson Brinkerhoff, Daysun Cuthill, Aurora Bateman, Mady Lackey, Draeven Miner, Jessica Cook (not pictured).

Thank You to all students who participated and Brian Esparza from the PTA for organizing this years contest.  


Photos by Tamra Lybbert