Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday Alli! Alli is such a sweetheart and she is the best help around school. She helps us in the lunchroom and in the hallways. Alli is also an amazing performer and loves to perform for our school in our end of year assembly. We hope your birthday is special Alli and that you have so much fun today!

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday Andy! Andy is one of our amazing student sweepers and is outgoing, fun to be around and is always up for a good joke or prank. He is also willing to help wherever and whenever he is needed and is  a tremendous help to our school. We hope you have an amazing birthday Andy!

Christmas Character Day

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Yesterday we had so much fun seeing our students and their creative and fun Christmas character costumes! They were so fun and festive and even the Grinch made a visit... actually two Grinches came and they loved visiting our classrooms to entertain the students. Here is a fun video of the Grinches visiting Mrs. Hall's class!

Photo With A Friend

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Lucy has been working so hard to save up her Proactive Paws so that she can have her photo taken with a friend! How awesome is it that it was able to happen right before winter break?! Way to work hard Lucy!