Apex Fun Run is Here!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Park Elementary has teamed up with Apex for our school fundraiser this year.  Pledges by donors will help purchase technology and continue to fund the Leader in Me.  Stay tuned each day for fun videos by our school staff and students.  Go Panthers!

Apex logo Video by Amy Darrington

On Time Attendance Rock Stars!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on


Mrs. Pershon’s 4th grade class is taking their on time attendance goal very serious!  As you can see from their daily tracker, there has only been 4 days total for the entire school year that they have had below 93%.  Congratulations 4th graders, your on time efforts will help with your academic goals as well as the personal goals you have set for yourselves.  We are proud of you!


"Life is for Service"

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

"Life is for Service."  Mr. Rogers

Our wonderful grandparent helpers, Grandma Janet Reese and Grandma Aileen Holt, were honored for their service in the community during a banquet held at BYU yesterday.  It was a special event that words or actions can't express our gratitude for their service in our school.

Photo by Tamra Lybbert Article by Adam Gull

Leadership at Its Best

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Walking down the hall I see something that makes me smile.  A fifth grade student tutoring a third grade student.  As I eavesdrop into the tutoring session, wondering if the older student is just giving the answers, I am absolutley amazed at what I heard: Tutor Student: "Draw the array for 8x8."  The younger student proceeds to draw a box with 8 columns and 8 rows, known as an array.  I quickly learned there was great teaching and learning happening between these 2 students. I thought to myself "this is leadership at its best."

Photo and Article by Adam Gull