Park's Teacher Of the Year- Mrs. Sorensen

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Congratulations to Mrs. Sorensen for being Park Elementary's Teacher of the Year! Mrs. Sorensen has taught 5th grade at Park School the past 9 years.  She is an incredible teacher, teammate, and does so much for the students at Park.  She has been integral in implementing the Leader in Me as well as a student leader advisor and mentor to other teachers that have come through Park.

We are so proud and honored to have Mrs. Sorensen at Park. Congratulations!

Photo by Lana Hiskey Article by Adam Gull

A Real "BULL"-Y Blocker

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

On Leap Day, we had an assembly.  Rodeo Clown J.J. Harrison was there along with rodeo queens and rodeo officials from Spanish Fork City.  They talked a lot about the difference between teasing and bullying as well as the difference between tattling and reporting.  J.J. always likes to end with a contest.  He had Mr. James come up and try to rope him.  Mr. James actually roped him!  Then to close, we repeated after J.J. and told our teachers that they were awesome and underpaid.

Photos by Mr. Kay Article by Blog Squad Leader Alea Bateman with Mr. Gull

Leadership Academy

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Recently, students helped with the Spanish Fork City Easter Egg Hunt by putting eggs together for the event.  Led by our Leadership Academy teacher, Mrs. Wirfs, students synergized to help our community.  This is one of the many things Leadership Academy has provided this year.  

Leadership Academy has provided learning opportunities in leadership, music, art, and more for students. To understand more how Leadership Academy works, the following is from one of our Blog Squad Leaders Evan Prokopiw, 6th grade student.  

Photo by Adam Gull Article by Adam Gull and Evan Prokopiw