Photo With a Friend

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

I love getting notes that our students are working hard to earn and save up their Proactive Paws to have a photo taken with their friend and posted on our social media! Paxton has been saving for a long while and is working towards several rewards, but the first one he requested was a photo with his friend Abram! Way to be a good example Paxtin!

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy Birthday Mrs. Burr! Mrs. Burr is a technician in our Title 1 program and has been working with helping students and their reading progress. She is so funny and kind-hearted and is willing to help where needed. Mrs. Burr, we hope you have the best day and know that you are loved and appreciated here at Park Elementary!

Happy Birthday!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Happy birthday Mrs. Rucker! Mrs. Rucker is our instructional coach and works so hard behind the scenes. She facilitates and supports teachers in their classroom lessons. She is always looking to help make things streamlined in the classroom and loves working with our students. Mrs. Rucker is always willing to help wherever needed and is a positive person to be around. We hope your birthday is a great day Mrs. Rucker!