Read-a-Thon Fundraiser

Submitted by bristi.poulson on

We are so excited for our Read-a-Thon Fundraiser this year.  We hope your students enjoy the message that reading is fun, while at the same time earning money for our school.  Please read below for all of the information relating to our Read-a-Thon.


  • We will use money raised to purchase technology for our school, create leadership opportunities for students, field trips and materials for hands on learning experiences.

Bristi Poulson

Lights On Event

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Park Elementary has been "sorted" (if you have seen Harry Potter you'll understand) and has been chosen to represent the Gryffindor House!  Gryffindor is the house which most values the virtues of Courage, Bravery, and Determination.  That definitely describes our school.  Three other schools have been sorted to represent Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin.  All Four Houses will be competing against each other to see how many wizards/witches or muggles come to the District Lights On Event.  You are welcome to dress up as your favorite wizard or witch or just come as

Park Elementary's Education Business Partner

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Mayor Steve Leifson is a constant figure around Park Elementary. Mayor Leifson comes to every event and supports Park Panthers with enthusiasm. In appreciation of the Mayor's valued support of Park Elementary, he joined Mrs. Hughes as an honored guest at the Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce First Friday Education Forum on Friday, October 5th. Mayor Leifson was recognized as an outstanding business partner of Park Elementary.

We appreciate all of his time and support and want to say THANK YOU MAYOR!!!