6th Grade Graduates

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

To our 6th grade graduates, Congratulations!  You have finished your first big step in your education. Thanks for being such awesome leaders, you are going to do great in Jr. High! 
Good luck! 

The best way to predict the future is to create it. -Abraham Lincoln 

Park School Parade

Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

We had so much fun at our school parade today, we absolutely loved seeing our students! Park Leaders have a fantastic summer, be safe & we will see you next year! 

Please visit our Facebook page to see all the pictures. 


Submitted by lacee.stoneman on

Park Parents,

We still have several students who have not picked up their belongings; if you have not picked up your students belongings please do so as soon as possible. If you are unable to come with your student, we are allowing students to come get their belongings on their own. 
Items will be located through the main doors, near the office. Student belonging will no longer be available for pick up after Wednesday May 27th at 3:00 pm.

