1st Grade 100 Days

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

First grade celebrated the 100th Day of school.  They got to do lots o’clock activities dealing with the number 100.  They made the number 100 out of treats, they did 100 exercises, the made 100th day of school glasses and other fun activities. 

Natalie Taylor, Bruce Elliott, LesLee Hunt

5th Grade Science Fair

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Our 5th grade students had the opportunity to compete in a school science fair. Several students decided to take the challenge and showed us their amazing ideas last week. Three winners were chosen to represent Park Elementary at the the Nebo District Science Fair coming up soon and we are so excited for them. Congratulations 5th grade participants on a job well done and for all your hard work!


Kimberly, Eleanor and Brylee


Charla Andersen, Mark Kathryn Hall, Alison Snow

Instructional Leader of the Year

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Nebo principals were nominated by their peers for each award. This year, Mrs. Hughes was awarded the Instructional Leader of the year! These principals will represent Nebo School District and submit applications to the Utah Association of Elementary School Principals (UAESP). Principal Garrett Andersen said, “It is always a great opportunity to award these honors each year and to be able to recognize the great things our Nebo principals do each and every day.”