Lunch with Mrs. McAllister

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Marianna earned 100 Proactive Paws and got to choose where she and Mrs. McAllister got to have for lunch. She worked hard to earn those proactive paws and we are so proud of her. Way to go Marianna!

Janae McAllister

PSL Applications

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

It is that time of year again! PSL applications for next school years 4th and 5th graders can be picked up in Mrs. McAllister's room and are due by May 6th. They do require a parent signature.

PSL is a great way for students to practice and demonstrate leadership qualities. PSL members help plan and coordinate service projects, leadership day, morning announcements and help with send-off assemblies on Mondays. This a a fantastic opportunity that the students enjoy being a part of and helping our school achieve greatness!

Janae McAllister

Keyboard Competition

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Our 4th and 5th graders recently participated in a keyboarding competition. These winners help to make up the top 10% of our keyboarding students in our district! They have worked hard all year with continued practice and proper keyboard etiquette.  Way to go Park leaders!! You are shining examples to us all. 

4th Grade:

Kairi H., Monica I., Joey S., Chase T., Braileigh W., Bailey C., Kristen C., Olivia G., and Errson P.

Golden Keyboard Award: Bailey C.


5th Grade:

Crystal Apple Award

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Congratulations to Penny McEntire who won the Crystal Apple Award! The Crystal Apple Award is given to an educator who has made a positive impact on students! Penny more than exemplifies love and positivity to not only the students but the faculty here at Park. She is always upbeat, kind, complimentary and seeks ways to help us all succeed. It may be her first year here at Park, but she has made it a goal to learn all the students names, pushes into classrooms to help teach and spend time with our students.