Mrs. Andersen on KSL TV

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

As a MVE (Most Valuable Educator), Mrs. Andersen was featured on KSL TV this morning! Please take a few minutes to watch the video here! What a fun day we had at school while they were filming this story and we are so excited for Mrs. Andersen to be at the Jazz game tonight.

Spirit Winners

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Once again, Mrs. Jones's class took the win for spirit Friday! They love having Parker join their class.

Heather Jones

The Jazz Bear is in Charge!

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

When the Jazz came to our school yesterday, the Jazz Bear got really comfortable in our front office! Hugs were given, emails were set and music was chosen for us to listen to! He even took over for Mrs. Hatch for a couple of minutes!

"MVE"- Most Valuable Educator

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

One of our teachers, Charla Andersen, was nominated and chosen by the Jazz to be spotlighted at their halftime show on November 18 as a Most Valuable Educator! Charla was nominated by another colleague for her commitment to helping her students love learning and helping them realize their potential and successes! She loves her students immensely and truly wants the best for each and every student in her class. Charla won a personalized Jazz jersey, tickets to the game and $1000 cash to use in her classroom as well as a victory lap around the school with the Jazz Bear.

Charla Andersen