Crystal Apple Award Winner

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Heather Jones was awarded the Crystal Apple Award this week by Craig Harvey. Heather is an awesome Kindergarten teacher here at Park! She is kind and friendly and always has a smile on her face. Heather is an incredibly hard worker and is always willing to not only help her kindergarten team but everyone at Park. She is great at talking through problems and solutions and is a fantastic team player. Heather works hard to make sure that her students are not only learning the material but understand it as well.

Heather Jones, Holly Moss

4th Grade Guest Teachers

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

The fourth grade had guest teachers from the students at Spanish Fork High School. These students are taking the Teaching as a Profession class! They taught a social studies lesson on mountain men, the fur trade and the part that they played in Utah's past! They did a great job!!

Candri Webb

DFMS Concert

Submitted by sheree.storrer on

Diamond Fork Middle School orchestra, band, and choir came to perform for our fifth graders. Our fifth graders got to get a sneak peek into what they can participate in next year! They were invited to an instrument “petting zoo” that night to try out different instruments. It was fun seeing our previous Park Panthers in the groups.

Charla Andersen